Kia ora, I am a student at Marshland School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Friday, October 23, 2020
amazing south Africa
this is my enquiry about South Africa I did some research at home with my dad about South Africa it was really difficult to find difficult information because we had to go on a bunch of websites to find out all of this information. I got all of these pictures of Google and some of them I got off websites. have you ever been to South Africa?
Name: Devan
Hi guys to day I am gonna speaking about the market
Seriously: it was one sunny day I was down to market to buy food. When I walk in to the market I could smell fresh vegetable like tomato,lettuce, I begged my mum can we please buy some tomato. Then I smelled some that I all was wanted to smell.... Apple it smell so delicious.
Secondly: I could cars storming down the road I could hear their engines going nnn-rrr. Then I could talking to each other and streaming it.
Thirdly: I sour people on the corner of eye. Their wer so so much vegetables and fruit and cases that hold the vegetable and fruit. Also I could see fridges as I was string down hall way and could see the mangers stocking every thing.
Fourthlee: I could the pineapple choose dripping down my frot as I was chewing the pineapple. The hot chips, tomato.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Why we should have a swimming pool
Hi I am witting to you about why we should have a swimming pool at school.
When it is a warm day you can hop in the swimming pool. Because then they don’t have to be so warm in class and the children can focus more on their work.
Secondly, when you have swimming lesson you can do it at school. Then you don’t have to drive up and down, so you don’t have to use so much gas.
Thirdly, it would be good for the community, because they can buy a key and use the pool at the weekends and holidays. This would make money for the school to help with repairs and chlorine costs.
The school should get a swimming pool cos it is good for the whole community.